Full Focus

Make 2022 a great year!

It starts by getting clarity on goals and then focusing on the actions that will move you forward! Setting Goals, focusing on them Quarterly, Weekly, and Daily will help you achieve what you would like. This is not a Resolution, it is the process of making goals into achievements, and I have found a way to help you get there!

Who am I?

My Name is Jimmy Chaplin, and I am a Productivity Nerd (and Weather Geek for those that know me that way!) …. but maybe not the way you think! I am not the tedious checklist maker, the meticulous person you may think of when you hear that, but I am someone who constantly sees where I can improve and work at it to make it better. And, just like you, I am not always successful. But the cool thing is, that the past does not have to dictate the future. What I do know is that if I do not look at what I want to accomplish, acknowledge what I need to do, and then act, I will never make it to what I want to be in any area of my life. I suspect that there are areas of your life where you want to improve. These could be Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically, Intellectually, Relationally, Socially, Vocationally, Avocationally, and Financially. We all have areas we want to get clarity on so we can achieve success where we may have had a failure.

Full Focus System

About four years ago I was listening to a podcast and heard from a guy named Michael Hyatt. He helped me make sense of the scattered systems and attempts I had tried on my own to better myself, my family, my life. I have been working on implementing the Full Focus system and I have found success. Not everywhere, as there is no magic system that will suddenly make everything work, but I found that I could at least set a framework up in my life, be consistent with reviewing what I wanted to achieve, and then have success instead of regrets. The cool thing is that it is not constraining, but adaptive to what I need to work on depending on what is happening in life and what I need to focus on!

That is what made this system better than the many I had looked at (and I had looked at many), and made it stick! I also was able to get the Full Focus Planner that helped me organize my life using the framework and keep the focus as needed to accomplish the goals I had set!

I get to share it!

This last year Michael Hyatt and his team entrusted people to share the framework with others by helping people (like me) get certified to share with you why this works! It helped me so much, I want to help others! I was able to become a Full Focus Certified Professional!

Can it really help?

You are reading this far because something resonated with you, and you would like to try to do better. This framework can help you!

Some things it can help you with includes:

·  Accomplish more by doing less! It sounds like an oxymoron but honestly, when we are not focused, we get so much less done. If you get clarity, you can distill your life down to what matters and what will help you achieve what you set out to do.

·  Have a holistic view of being productive! Being productive really is about all areas of our lives and being intentional about the things that will help you. From spending time relaxing, meeting others, or even getting enough sleep, this framework will truly help you! I really believe it! Take it from a productivity nut that has read, listened, followed, and tried a TON of solutions! Regardless of the system, being intentional is super important.

·  Feel and actually be rewarded! We always seem to rush from one thing to the next and we never stop and review what we have done and how it has helped (or many times hurt) the goals we want to achieve. Think of your New Year’s Resolutions and how on day 1 you feel excited, and a month later the resolution is like another item on a list of failures that you either lost focus of or just abandoned. But, what if instead, at the end of the year you reviewed 2022 and said, “Wow, I did accomplish that weight goal!”, “I did get out of debt!” “I did get that new position!”. You can have some success in 2022, but you must Focus, and stay that way throughout the year. The Full Focus framework and using SMARTER goals will help you.

So what now?

  1. Of course, I will recommend the Full Focus Planner, which helps you organize and stay connected to the scientifically proven framework that will help you achieve your goals.
  2. I would also like to share with you how to set SMARTER goals, how to stick with them, how to find why they matter you as well as how to organize them! My First introduction session is Monday, January 3rd at 1:00 PM ET – Please consider joining! I will be sharing a Goals worksheet and some example goals to help you succeed in 2022 just for coming!
  3. You can also follow me on Facebook at Find Your Productivity and this web site as I plan on sharing general productivity helps, some really great “hacks” and ways to make your life easier and automated. Whether using Alexa (or other smart devices) to automating things to make dealing with your email easier, I want to help you cut down on the extraneous things you must do in life! Like I said, I am a Productivity Geek and I know these things will be helpful!
  4. And, if you are interested and purchase the planner, I will be doing a Full Focus Planner Training in Mid-January to get you set up for 2022 and go over the use of the Planner! It will be my pleasure!
  5. What if none of that works? Well, you can set a meeting with me! Just choose from my Calendly Scheduler and I will confirm and we can meet!

NOTE: The Full Focus Planner® is a tool created by Michael Hyatt Company Additionally, the links to the products mentioned are affiliate links which means I would get some money if products were purchased.

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